Can psychedelic drugs treat depression? Is it safe to use???


The term "depression" refers to a mood disorder. It might be characterised as melancholy, grief, or rage that interferes with daily tasks. Also, it's very typical. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information According to Trusted Source, 18.5% of American adults in any given 2-week period in 2019 experienced depressive symptoms.

Despite the similarities between depression and grief, sadness or grief experienced after a tragic incident or the loss of a loved one are not the same as depression. Grief normally does not involve self-hatred or a loss of self-esteem, although depression frequently does. Positive feelings and joyful recollections of the deceased frequently go hand in hand with emotional suffering while someone is grieving. Sadness is a persistent feeling in major depressive disorder.

Studies are finding psychedelic therapy could reverse debilitating effects of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Psychedelic therapy is the use of psychedelic substances, often alongside traditional talk therapy (psychotherapy), as a treatment for mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, suicidality and PTSD. Some types of psychedelic drugs, such as psilocybin and MDMA (ecstasy), have shown promise as therapies for treatment-resistant depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

 They appear to work by encouraging the growth of new connections between neurons in the brain. Overall, available evidence suggests serotonergic psychedelics impact depression, in part through serotonin receptor agonism, neurogenesis, immunomodulation, widespread changes in connectivity within the brain, and psychological effects. When paired with therapy, appear to stave off mental health disorders for longer – for some, perhaps even forever.


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