Can psychedelic drugs treat depression? Is it safe to use???

The term "depression" refers to a mood disorder . It might be characterised as melancholy, grief, or rage that interferes with daily tasks. Also, it's very typical. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information According to Trusted Source, 18.5% of American adults in any given 2-week period in 2019 experienced depressive symptoms. Despite the similarities between depression and grief, sadness or grief experienced after a tragic incident or the loss of a loved one are not the same as depression. Grief normally does not involve self-hatred or a loss of self-esteem, although depression frequently does. Positive feelings and joyful recollections of the deceased frequently go hand in hand with emotional suffering while someone is grieving. Sadness is a persistent feeling in major depressive disorder. Studies are finding psychedelic therapy could reverse debilitating effects of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Psych...